Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Icon set for post-ganymede version of Eclipse SCA


I just work on some new icons for Eclipse SCA project.
I need some comments to choose which one need to be removed or changed.

On my point of view, it will be nicer than the v1.0 version because it will better fit Eclipse UI and icons style.

New global palette:

SCA Bindings:

SCA Implementations:

SCA Interfaces:

The new tree Editor:
The graphical Designer isn't ready because it uses old style for embedded icons.
For comment, you can use this bug report.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede: News and Noteworthy by projects

Eclipse Ganymede has just been released.

Here are list of new features of modeling projects:

There are other projects (like Jet, QVT-O, ...) but there haven't a News and Noteworthy page.

Friday, June 13, 2008


ATL v2 will be release very soon.
ATL is a model transformation engine based on MDA standard and Eclipse platform.
It can used for:
- interoperability between tools
- translate a model from a notation to another (for example: relational to uml)
- propose "different zooms" on a model (for example: global specification -> detailled specification -> global design -> ...)
- create any kind of bridge (for example: BPMN -> BPEL or BPMN -> SCA)

ATL 2 is provide some new exciting features:
- better completion on model elements
- virtual machin based on EMF
- better performance
- lots of bug fixes
- a clean updatesite
- integration inside Ganymede (Eclipse 3.4)
- and a new commercial support on http://www.atl-pro.com

See News and Noteworthy for more detail on ATL 2.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Eclipse SCA 1.0

After one year of work, Eclipse SCA 1.0 is ready.

This is a new project of Eclipse STP (Soa Tool Platform) for assembly of SOA applications.
To understand the goal of SCA standard (Service Component Architecture, available here), the easiest way is to use an example:
you have one GUI component (for exemple, C# based) named "A" and it need to communicate with one business component "B" write EJB and Java and with another external component "C" written in PHP and only accessible with WebService. With SCA, you just need to declare each component, a reference (required interface) on A (declare with C# interface), and two services on B and C.
The SCA server will automaticly translate protocols and API language to ensure everybody can communicate with everybody.
In a nutshell, SCA isn't a new middleware (it rely on existing middlewares or libraries). It's like Spring, but as a specification and for any protocols and languages.

The main feature of Eclipse SCA project is a nice designer. It's used color and shape very similar of official specification and it's based on GMF. I'm one of the commiters team of this project and the leader is Stephane Drapeau.

It will be bundle inside Ganymede (Eclipse 3.4).
You can test it and read this nice tutorial.